Christie & David

We have been proudly serving customers since 2000. On this page, right here, is more information about us than you’d ever want to know. . .

We love Walt Disney World! The picture below was taken at WDW during our renewal of vows in 2012. It’s absolutely The Happiest Place on Earth and we would love to work there during our retirement years. Gift shop, ride operator, tour guide, it doesn’t matter. Christie’s favorite attraction is Cinderella’s Castle (she calls it “her” castle) and David’s is the Tower of Terror (he calls it “his” castle).

All of our children have four legs and purr non-stop. They are spoiled rotten. Most of them are rescues, but two we inherited from David’s parents.

In 2007 we started adopting Dave Ramsey’s principles on handling money, and it has improved our lives and marriage. We’re graduates of Financial Peace University and as of January 2013 are facilitating a class at our local church. We think it’s the best $100 any couple could spend and is easily worth 3x that amount. And no, we don’t get paid anything to lead that class or promote Dave Ramsey, though we are asked that from time to time. When you find something that really, truly, works you want to share it with others.

Christie likes to cook and cherishes her Girls Nights watching Survivor; David has played music professionally or otherwise for over 35 years and is starting to enjoy naps.

Christie and David From McKnight Video Services

If you want some boring professional stuff, there’s always this:

Christie is Treasurer for the Houston Professional Videographers Association (2008-present), a member of the Bay Area Wedding Professionals, and a member of the Galveston and Texas City Chambers of Commerce.

David is the technical editor of three editions of the Vegas Pro Editing Workshop book by Douglas Spotted Eagle; he’s a contributor to The Full HD book; and he’s the editor of Corporate Video Production by Stu Sweetow. Since 2008 he has written columns and online tutorials featuring Sony Vegas Pro software and video production techniques for EventDV magazine and Streaming Media Producer online as well as providing hands-on instruction for video editors.

David is a past Vice President for the Houston Professional Videographers Association (2008-2009).